Student success is dependent on sound fiscal management.
The Board of Education maintains responsibility for the District’s financial position. The District employs financial professionals in the Business Office to carry out the financial policies and procedures of the District. The Business Office is responsible for accounting, accounts payable and receivable, budget, cash/investment management, inventory and fixed assets, payroll, purchasing, records management, and assisting in the area of risk management.
The Stafford MSD Business Office is committed to serving the needs of our students, staff, and community. Our mission is to be transparent and effective in managing all local, state, and federal resources.
Budget: Revenues and Expenses
Educational revenues come from two primary sources: 1) Property taxes represent approximately 87% of total revenues, and 2) grants and contributions represent 8% of total revenues. The remaining 5% is generated from charges for services, investment earnings, and miscellaneous revenues.
The District’s primary functional expenses are: instruction (45% of total expenses), plant maintenance and operations (11% of total expenses), and interest on long-term debt (11% of total expenses). The remaining functional categories of expenses are individually less than 10% of total expenses.